Experienced writer, editor and digital content strategist with 10+ years of experience in the health, wellness and fitness industries.
How Does Multiple Sclerosis Affect Coordination?
When MS affects the cerebellum, movement challenges can follow. The right mix of medications, therapy, and healthy lifestyle can help.
What’s the Difference Between MS and Lupus?
These autoimmune diseases have overlapping cognitive symptoms. Here’s how to tell the two apart and find treatment options for each.
Why Doctors Don’t Use the Words ‘Benign MS’
MS is a serious condition, so even if your symptoms are stable, doctors say the term ‘benign’ is misleading and outdated.
4 Protein-Packed Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss You Can Make in Minutes
These tasty options keep you feeling fuller longer.
What’s the Difference Between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis?
The two conditions can feel the same but are very different. Learn some distinguishing symptoms between the two and how to get relief.
5 Warning Signs Of Sleep Apnea That Have Nothing To Do With Snoring
Wake up and pay attention to these red flags — even if you don’t snore.
What’s the Difference Between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus?
While these autoimmune conditions can have overlapping symptoms, they ultimately can affect your body in distinct ways.
Trouble Seeing at Night? It Might Be Peripheral Vision Loss: Here’s How To Tell
An eye doctor explains why loss of peripheral vision may be one of the first signs of glaucoma.
Find out What Causes Hearing Loss in One Ear, When It’s Permanent and How To Treat It
A feeling of fullness in your ear or dizziness are sneaky symptoms to watch for.
What Happens to Hormone Balance During an Infrared Sauna Session
Infrared heat works as a stealthy superhero with a mission to balance your hormones for optimal health, wellness and longevity. The end result? You feel a whole lot better, longer. Here’s how infrared heat helps optimize your hormones.
Should I Be Filtering My Tap Water?
If you’re worried about drinking straight from the tap, could a filtration system help? A doctor offers his POV.
PFAS: How Concerned Should You Be?
PFAS are everywhere, so what steps can you take to minimize your risk?
Yikes! My Contact Lens Gave Me a Bloody Eye
An ophthalmologist explains how to avoid a common hazard of wearing contact lenses.
Want to Plan Your Workouts More Effectively? Zone Training Can Help
Understanding how your heart rate responds in different zones is important for well-rounded training.
4 Ways To Calm Your Carpal Tunnel
An occupational medicine specialist breaks down a few exercises to ease hand and wrist pain.